We will be more than happy to issue a full refund or offer an exchange within 30 days of receipt of item(s) in as sold condition, including all original packaging. To initiate your return please fill in the online Returns Form with full transaction details and the reason for return prior to any returns made.
A full refund, including the outbound postage and packaging charges applied to your order, will be processed back to the original payment method within 3-5 working days of receipt of the returned product(s).
You will be advised by e-mail when the refund has been processed. We will refund the delivery charge applied to your order, provided you return the order in full. If however you are only returning some of the items on your order, then we will only refund the cost of those items and not the outbound postage charge.
None of the above conditions will affect your statutory rights if the goods are delivered faulty or there was any error on our behalf. For your rights of cancellation under Consumer Contract (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013 please see our full terms and conditions.
To see our full Returns Policy, click Return Policy at Footer of this Page.